Poems Sue – Day after Day

Living by the day ….you wont have to worrie about tomorrow … 
Living by the day ….will keep you saved from sorrow …. 
Living by the day …sounds so simple and easy to do …. 
Living by the day …..just wait what each hour brings to you …. 

Living in the past …. sounds like the same to me …
Living in the past ….lock away each memorie ….. 
Living in the past …dont let new thoughts come in …. 
Living in the past ….dont worrie about a new start to begin …

Living in the future ….your a dreamer they would say …. 
Living in the future ….you’ll get hurt for sure that way …. 
Living in the future ….trying to change your destiny … 
Living in the future ….would be like living in a fantasy ….. 

But I dont want to stop dreaming …. 
Dont want to stop living a fantasy …. 
Dont want to give up faith in life … 
Dont want to change my destiny … 
I dont want to lose any memories … 
Not the good ones or the bad …. 
As they all made me who I am right now … 
And were the best lessons in life I ever had …. 

But I dont want to hold on to the past …. 
Its time to let things finally go ….. 
As life already seems to go so fast …. 
And its time for me to let the whole world know ….
That the path I choose ….always leads to somewhere … 
Every day there are lessons to learn …. 
And it are my dreams that keeps me going … 
My dreams that will finally get me there … 
To the magic words I hope one day to say ….. 
I lived MY LIFE ……day after day …… 

( Sue 17-01-2006) 

Bron: Email Sue ©Loes Raaphorst 12/2006